Jose Ferry
Mindfulness · Sound therapy · Meditation


Mindfulness · Sound therapy · Meditation

Lives in Alicante, Spain. He is a PSEN graduate (2014) and completed two additional years of Advanced Training (2015 & 2016). He is a PSEN Spain Training Group Faculty memeber.

He studied engineering, moved by his deep passion for mathematics and physics. He developed a career working at a golf resort, achieving the positions of greenskeeper and vice principal. He has a long standing Buddhist practice and has been trained in mindfulness: MBSR (mindfulness based stress reduction) and MSC (mindfulness self-compassion). He is the coordinator of the Alicante Mind Body Center and he has a private practice as a PSEN facilitator and mindfulness teacher.

Music is one of Jose’s greatest passions and he particularly enjoys an improvisational style.


Mindfulness (MBSR – MSC) · Meditación Zen · Embodied Relational Mindfulness · Terapia Psico-corporal · Somatic Experiencing



Sin eventos


“With this technique and the loving, respectful and absolute presence of Jose, I have learned to, from the warmth, care and respect, embrace my present moment in a loving way giving me the freedom to know that at every moment, I can be myself in the honesty of welcoming me and, therefore, relaxing and enjoying being lived. Every day is a deep walk towards the Truth.

Always infinitely grateful for your knowledge to accompany, Jose Ferry

“Thanks to mindfulness, I learned to find a unique and special space just for myself, to know myself better, respect and respect my rhythms, as well as those of others. I learned to relax and take life with more tranquility, positivism and healthy energy. Thanks José Ferry for teaching me to take care of myself, respect me and love myself a little more. Each of us is unique and we set our own pace, permeating life with our essence.”