
ashtanga yoga



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Ashtanga Yoga is a dynamic yoga system that derives from hatha yoga characterized by rapid and intense movements, but at the same time natural in synchronous coordination with breathing.

 Ashtanga yoga is a practice that works on strength, endurance, body flexibility and heat by working the whole body holistically. Ashtanga is a dynamic yoga system that derives from hatha yoga characterized by rapid and intense movements, but at the same time natural in synchronous coordination with breathing. It is one of the types of yoga whose practice is more widespread and in increasing demand worldwide and is perfect for lovers of challenges.

Ashtanga sequences are organized in a series of positions or asanas that always run in the same order, and are perfectly synchronized with breathing. By putting the focus on breathing as a conductive thread, each asana or posture, causes a renewing effect on the way of breathing, and a progressive improvement in the nervous system and the ability to concentrate.

What are its benefits

Ashtanga yoga is a practice that works on strength, endurance, body flexibility and heat by working the whole body holistically. It is an intense exercise and contributes to the elimination of toxins accumulated in the body since it produces intense sweating. It is excellent for its physical demand to relieve stress and stimulate the immune system, allowing us to move towards a state of inner peace and harmony.
Among the most outstanding benefits of ashtanga yoga we can highlight

  • Cardiovascular activity: Due to the rapidity with which asanas are executed, a very positive cardiovascular activity results in increasing physical endurance.
  • Strengthens the heart: Ashtanga yoga increases the heart rate and stimulates heart health.
  • Burn fats and toxins: Its fast and non-stop movements, an exercise like cardiovasculr, make it ideal for those who want to practice a discipline that allows them to burn fat.
  • Concentration: invites and contributes to develop a higher level of concentration that allows to sustain the rhythm of the breath during each movement.
  • Muscle toning: They strengthen and tone the set of almost all the muscles of the body.
  • Motor coordination: The type of vinyasa with which you work promotes balance and coordination.

What is the origin of ashtanga

Its beginning is located in the Himalayas, where Rama Mohan Brahmachari, based on a very old text called “Karunta Yoga”, of which there is no written copy form for seven years to yogi Satguru Krishnamacharia (1888-1989), who in turn will form Sri K. Pattabhi Jois (1915-2009) who will be one of the biggest influences and main diffuser of ashtanga yoga in the world.

In Sanskrit Ashtanga means 8 branches or paths, which include:

  1. Yama, or ethical principles of yoga
  2. Niyama or purification
  3. Asanas or postures
  4. Pranayama or breath control
  5. Pratyahara or control of the senses
  6. Dharana or concentration
  7. Dhyana or meditation
  8. Samadhi or contemplation.

    Who is ashtanga ideal for?

    Ashtanga yoga is ideal for those yogis who are looking for an advanced level. It is not essential that you have a high level to start in practice, but knowing the asanas will allow your practice to be more fluid. The initiated practitioners will know a good part of the traditional asanas and their correct execution, which will allow a fluid continuity between one asana and another, that the main challenge presented by this practice, rather than the speed of the movements.

    If you have never practiced yoga, or have not been doing it for a long time, ashtanga may not be a discipline that is totally suitable for you since the initial postures require that the person have strength in the arms and physical resistance. Now, you want to try a more challenging yoga style, this is your practice without a doubt.


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