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Sup Yoga consists of practicing yoga on a Sup board or Paddle Board.

This combination allows us to take our yoga practice to the water, an element associated with fluidity and adaptability so beneficial to our practice and to our lives. Sup Yoga offers us a perfect framework to develop our balance in an original, organic and fun way. The fact of meditating, whether through yoga, or any other meditative practice, on the element and environment that gave us origin – as individuals and as inhabitants of the planet [womb / ocean] – gives us the possibility to work indirectly intrauterine cellular memories. All meditation in the water helps us to unconsciously heal the primary memories lived in that environment. On the other hand, the practice of Sup Yoga teaches us balance, and this is an essential teacher for good practice, as well as for a good life. Balance teaches us what Buddha called the middle path. A practice guided by an overly demanding mental attitude will lead us to a neurotic practice, will put the ego to do Yoga, so that the experience of Yoga -UNION- will be impossible. Likewise, too lax and self-indulgent practice will keep us in our personal comfort zone, and there will be no growth or transformation in our action. As always, the practice of Yoga reflects my way of life, and what I integrate into my practice I extend to my life. Sup Yoga allows us to place special emphasis on the development of balance in our practice.

Paddle Yoga for dummies 

Paddle Yoga is for us like that person that you know by sight in Instagram, whom you have seen in action and has aroused your interest, but that you still do not know in person. We do not know how to do Paddle Yoga, but we want to learn it with the best, and in the best places. That is why we have organized everything to be able to do it with those who sign up (more info below;). In any case, as we are the first to have no idea how to do it, we are going to make sure we have initiation classes, which start with the board on the mainland, to go a little further into the salt water – loaded on the other hand of nutrients, regenerators and natural repairers of our body. Of course, for those who want more level of Paddle Yoga, we will have advanced classes and groups at hand. We also have English-speaking facilitators for those who come from the rest of Europe. And as we want to learn it promptly and at ease, we have decided to do it in retirement format. So if you want to know more info. About this Paddle Yoga experience click here and we give you the details.

Yoga retreat on the beach:Our summer plan

Making a yoga retreat on the beach in summer is one of the plans that we most want. Sun, smell of the sea, baths after practice, rich and healthy food, music, interesting people and of course Yoga and Sup Yoga. We love the idea of ​​enjoying a vacation without having to end up taking a toll, approaching egotic patterns of wear, frustration, internal inconsistency or the desire to end the holidays to return to the routine that gives us balance. If we do a Yoga retreat on the beach we want it to be to unite everything. Enjoyment and health, healthy relationships, practice and rest, doing effortlessly, joining vital opposites to become integral and comprehensive. Often, our retreats also combine other activities such as introspective dance, meditation, hiking trails, massages, live music, emotional liberation – which we will apply to dissolve any limits we find in thematic practice – or diets alkaline with detox juices among others. If you have half the desire that we go to a yoga retreat on the beach, we wait for you:)



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